torsdag 1 mars 2018

Avisering från Google – Alicia Vikander

Alicia Vikander
Direktuppdatering 1 mars 2018
UK ELLE April 2018 : Alicia Vikander by Norman Jean Roy
I give up! It's pointless to hope for a remotely great shot of her on magazine covers. Even Norman Jean Roy oof all people got it wrong. Yes, the styling is a bit much, but it's her pose and expression which actually muck everything up here. Still think her Vogue cover shot by Sims is the best to date.
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Vikander: 'Angelina Jolie is inspiring'
Star of the new "Tomb Raider" reboot Alicia Vikander talks about the original Lara Croft and how the Time's Up movement has impacted her profesionally and personally. (Feb. 28)
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