tisdag 4 februari 2020

Avisering från Google – Web App

Web App
Direktuppdatering 4 februari 2020
Chrome 80 also includes another Origin Trial: the Content Indexing API, which provides metadata about content that your web app has already ...
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An international team of scholars and coders have come together to present a remarkable feat of literary digitization: a web and mobile app that ...
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The latter is unfolding as a mass migration to the digital world, where customers can find their bank online or through a smartphone app. Already ...
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Citrix Web App Firewall - 网络应用防火墙
使用业界出色性能的网络应用防火墙(WAF) Citrix Web App Firewall 保护您的网络免受应用层的攻击。
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I'm a UI & UX Professional. Let me give feedback on your web app
I am new to the group and want to contribute to the group by giving feedback on the landing page of everyone who comments their web app's...
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